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Title A Study on the Rental Housing Supply through Urban Block Renewal Projects: Focus on the Deteriorated Housing Purchased For Public Rental
Authors 권혁삼(Kwon, Hyuck-Sam) ; 김옥연(Kim, Ok-Yeon) ; 권치흥(Kwon, Chi-Hyng)
Page pp.19-34
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 가로주택정비사업 ; 임대주택 ; 노후 공공매입임대주택 ; 관리처분방식 ; 토지임차방식 Urban Block Renewal Projects ; Rental Housing ; Deteriorated Public Rental Housing Based on Purchase ; Management and Disposal Plan ; Land Lease Methods
Abstract The purpose of this study is to propose a plan to supply rental housing through urban block renewal projects that are intended to increase the number of households including existing residents. To this end, we classified a rental housing supply model into three types: 1) 10-year semi-public rental housing model through management and disposal plan, 2) 10-year semi-public rental housing model through land lease methods, 3) 30-year public rental housing model through land lease methods. We then apply the three types of model to the sites that are deteriorated housing purchased for public rental and investigate the feasibility of the models. Our results show that the semi-public rental housing supply model through land lease methods offers the highest NPV(Net Present Value) and the lowest share of expenses for the existing residents. Thus, we find that urban block renewal projects can not only supply rental housings in an urban areas but also provide new housing and rental income to existing residents. In addition, supports from the public sector are needed to promote the application of the proposed models.