Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on Improvement of Multi-Dimensional Urban Planning Policies as Private Initiated Urban Regeneration Methods
Authors 이정형(Lee, Jung-Hyung) ; 이운용(Lee, Woon-Yong) ; 이동규(Lee, Dong-Gyu)
Page pp.35-50
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 민간주도형 도시재생 ; 입체도시계획제도 ; 공간적 범위결정 ; 점용허가 Private-Sector Initiative ; Urban Regeneration ; Multi-Dimensional Urban Planning System ; Spatial Development Permission ; Permission of Occupation
Abstract This study aims to propose policy improvements on utilization of private initiated multi-dimensional urban planning system. Private initiated multi-dimensional urban planning means 'Constructing non-urban planning facility(private sector owned) on the urban planning facility(public sector owned) and its site'. Countries like the United States and Japan already launched private initiated multi-dimensional planning projects through reorganizing relevant institutional frameworks. Through analyzing these two countries, this research finds out that Japan has offered the regulatory bases which allow private development to integrate with public facilities strategically. Meanwhile the United Sates manipulates the transferring rights of development in improving urban infrastructures. As conclusion, the research addresses flexible land-use system, definite standard for partitioned superficies, and vitalized method for relevant projects for utilizing multi-dimensional urban planning regulations.