Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on Social Interaction of The Mixed Rents and Sales Housing Block - Comparative View with Physical and Non-Physical Factors in the Gang-il Housing District, Seoul
Authors 김지환(Kim, Ji-Hwan) ; 박청호(Park, Cheong-Ho) ; 구자훈(Koo, Ja-Hoon)
Page pp.91-103
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 사회적 혼합 ; 사회적 교류 ; 물리적 요소 ; 비 물리적 요소 ; 혼합단지 Social Mix ; Social Interaction ; Physical·Non-Physical Elements ; Mixed Housing Block
Abstract This study aims to analyze the effect of physical factors such as community facilities and non-physical factors such as interaction activities on the social interaction of residents in the mixed sales and lease housing. The independent variables are categorized into characteristics of community space, support space, welfare space, resting space, and play space. Dependent variables were derived from literature survey and brainstorming process, level of fellowship, participation and social support, and redefined each. Analysis results using PLS-structural equation model, both physical factors and non-physical factors had a positive effect on social exchanges. But relatively non-physical factors were perceived as more positive factors. The voluntary culture and exchange activities and the welfare spaces that support them both had a positive effect on the level of fellowship, participation and social support, and the residents' program with a little control was only positive for participation and social support. On the basis of the above results, this paper argues that the physical community space in the housing district to function as a space for social interaction, should be created as a practical space to increase the utilization rate of the residents.