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Title Introduction of Local Community Center in Public Housings for Activating Local Communities : Focused on ‘Happiness Housing Sectors’ in Seoul
Authors 최민아(Choi, Min-ah) ; 윤정란(Yun, Jeong-ran) ; 김륜희(Kim, Ryoonhee)
Page pp.5-20
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 커뮤니티시설 ; 공공임대주택 ; 행복주택 ; 지역 활성화 Community Center ; Public Housings ; ‘Happiness Housing’ ; Activating Local Communities
Abstract Recently, public housing residents have been expanding by newlyweds, job beginners and university students and their locations are also changed from new developed suburban areas to the inside areas of existing cities. However, because of the negative impa