Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Difference of Perceptions on Major Elements of Urban Regeneration between Residents and Experts - Focused on Urban Regeneration Areas in Seoul
Authors 강맹훈(Kang, Maeng-Hoon) ; 송혜승(Song, Hye-Seung) ; 이명훈(Lee, Myeong-Hun)
Page pp.45-60
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 서울시 도시재생 ; 인식차이 ; 정책 시사점 ; IPA Urban Regeneration in Seoul ; Perception Difference ; Policy Implications ; IPA
Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest timely implications for policy direction about urban regeneration projects in Seoul by analyzing differences in perceptions on major elements of urban regeneration between residents and experts. The results are as follows : first, both resident and expert groups are most concerned with housing improvements. Second, both groups, especially resident group, think that the role and support of administration are important for urban regeneration projects. Third, the resident group has different ideas about public participation, thinking that activities of resident autonomy organization today is no longer related to public participation, and a new method of public participation in urban regeneration projects is required. Finally, resident group has broad interests about urban regeneration, while expert group has interests on organizations and sense of community. The results suggest for policy confirmation on projects that residents can feel to achieve sustainable progress of long-term regeneration projects.