Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Business Model for the Small-Scale Haeng-bok Public Rental Housing in Connection with Urban Regeneration
Authors 김옥연(Kim, Ok-Yeon) ; 권혁삼(Kwon, Hyuck-Sam)
Page pp.5-22
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 행복주택 ; 소규모 주택지구 ; 주변지역 정비 ; 국비지원사업 ; 도시재생 “Haeng-bok” Public Rental Housing ; Small-Scale Housing District ; Neighboring Area Renewal ; State-Funded Project ; Urban Regeneration
Abstract The “Haeng-bok” public rental housing project provides houses designed for young people who have just started working or are actively engaged in social activities. Therefore, “Haeng-bok” public rental housing should be located in the inner city where it is easy to commute to work and use the existing infrastructure. In the inner city, however, it is highly likely that public housing is developed on a small scale without infrastructure because of the lack of available land and high land prices. In particular, when multi-family rental housing for the elderly is redeveloped for “Haeng-bok” public rental housing, it can cause urban sprawl and congestion in the inner city because the new public housing tends to be developed sporadically on a small scale, like scattered dots. For this reason, when “Haeng-bok” public rental housing is provided in the inner city, it is necessary to systematically manage the city and overcome opposition to it from inhabitants and local governments by renewing the infrastructure in the neighboring areas of the public housing district. To this end, the present study conducted in-depth analysis on the previous “Haeng-bok” public housing projects that were carried out concurrently with neighboring area renewal; the objective was to suggest detailed plans and specific guidelines for such renewal in case of similar future developments in the inner city. As local governments should take charge of neighboring area renewal, this study suggested a way to link it with a state-funded project in order to ease their financial burden.