Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Residents’ Awareness of Healthy City Projects and Aspects of Physical Environment Improvements - Based on Seoul’s Healthy City Project Housing Estates
Authors 김영현(Kim, Young-Hyun) ; 정소윤(Jung, So-Yun) ; 김용국(Kim, Yong-Guk)
Page pp.57-74
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 건강도시 ; 물리적 근린환경 ; 거주자 인식 ; IPA 분석 Healthy City ; Physical Neighborhood Environment ; Residents’ Perception ; IPA Analysis
Abstract This study aims to understand the awareness and satisfaction levels of healthy city projects implemented by central and local governments in Korea, and deducts neighborhood planning elements that will improve health levels of residents. The study drew neighborhood planning elements through an extensive literature review. Based on such elements, this study also conducted a survey of residents. Analysis methods included frequency analysis and IPA analysis using SPSS 18.0 and EXCEL 2010 as specific tools of analysis. The main findings of the study are as follows. First, residents displayed high interest in physical health issues and believed it to be closely related to neighborhood environments. Second, residents showed lower levels of awareness, participation and satisfaction regarding various health programs, such as anti-smoking, anti-drinking campaigns and medical checkups, reinforcing the importance of physical environment improvements. Third, IPA analysis revealed that residents placed the highest importance on safety related aspects, such as safe pedestrian environment, low crime rates, and universal design in response to healthy city planning elements.