Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Implications for Rationalizing Minor Alteration in District Unit Planning
Authors 박성남(Park, Sung-nam) ; 이은석(Lee, Eun-seok) ; 남성우(Nam, Sung-woo)
Page pp.93-112
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률 ; 지구단위계획 ; 경미한 사항 National Land Planning and Utilization Act ; District Unit Planning ; Minor Planning Matters
Abstract This study aims to review the scope of rationalizing minor alteration in District Unit Planing(DUP) and discuss policy implications for flexible utilization of the regulations. As a result, this study confirmed that there is a part of DUP which is operated as a general change, although it could be dealt with a minor matter. Second, as a result of civil affairs questionnaire and response analysis, this study confirmed that there are many complaints that are not applicable to minor changes. If the similar question is repeated in the query, it should be included in the minor issue. In addition, this study has identified that it is necessary to establish specific standards through amendment of the Local Government Ordinance, which is operated by linkage between laws and local government regulations. Third, when it is necessary to include as a minor matter from the result of expert opinion analysis, it should be preceded by a complex review on the importance of plan items in deliberation of ordinances and committees. The results of this study suggest that it may be effective to reexamine the items and scope of minor change regulations in DUP. In addition, it is possible to review alternatives to set and operate autonomous standards according to the characteristics of local autonomy in the case of moderate changes in the mid- and long-term district unit plans. It is also possible to consider establishing criteria for district-specific plans about the district-level unit plans that are to be managed by local governments.