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Title A Study on The Conjoint Regeneration Model(CRM)-linked Public Rental Housing - Focused on Residential Environmental Improvement Projects
Authors 김한섭(Kim, Han-Seoup) ; 이영은(Lee, Young Eun) ; 반동혁(Ban, Dong-Hyuk)
Page pp.51-60
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 결합재생 모델 ; 결합개발 ; 주거환경개선사업 ; 모의실험 ; 공공임대주택(행복주택) Conjoint Regeneration Model(CRM) ; Conjoint Renewal Program(CRP) ; Residential Environmental Improvement Project ; Simulation ; Public Rental Housing
Abstract The purpose of this study is to design Conjoint Regeneration Model(CRM) for the efficient promotion Residential Environmental Improvement Project. The CRM conjointed two or more residential Environmental Improvement Districts, which are individually struggling due to losses into a single district, supplies only pre-sale homes to profitable areas, and supplies kinds of public rental housing programs to loss areas. A new CRM is developed by the analysis data in the Residential Environmental Improvement Districts and finally verified the model through simulation. As a result of simulation, it is considered that the profit and loss of the conjointed distrcts is balanced, and it is possible to promote them. This study extended the study range of the CRP to "Residential Environmental Improvement Projects" and simplified the model by adjusting inter - district supply type instead of floor space index transfer. In addition, it shows that it is possible to envision a new model under the current law, and finally reinvested the incentive income in the public business to strengthen the publicity.