Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on Development of Women-Friendly Indicators for Women-Friendly City
Authors 박혜은(Park, Hye-Eun)
Page pp.79-96
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 여성친화도시 ; 성 평등 ; 요소 ; 중요도 Women-Friendly City ; Gender Equality ; Indicators ; Importance
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop a women-friendly indicators for the creation of a women-friendly city. Although the designation of a women-friendly city is spreading, it lacks differentiation from other existing businesses, and they are short-term and superficial businesses. We need tools to understand the concept of women-friendly cities and to approach them from a specific and diversified perspective. This study has conducted the FGI(Focus Group Interview) and Delphi survey to the experts and derived the indicators of the women-friendly. Also, it presented the importance of the indicators of women-friendly. The women-friendly indicators derived from the expert survey are 8 fields and 53 sub-items. 8 fields are 'law and institutional basis', 'women participation on politics and decision making', 'economic activity', 'safety', 'space planning', 'welfare and health', 'education', 'information and publicity'. As a result of the survey on the importance of women-friendly indicators, there was no significant difference in the importance of the 8 fields, but the field of 'economic activity' was the most important field. In addition, the importance of detailed items in the 'safety' and 'law and institutional basis' fields was generally high. In other words, it can be seen that it is important to improve the safety and convenience of space and facilities, to create conditions for work and home compatibility such as providing care and jobs.