Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Preference of the Founders for Space Demand - Focused on Expert Interviews and Surveys
Authors 노승한(Ro, Seung-Han) ; 장수진(Jang, Su-Jin) ; 김진영(Kim, Jin-Young) ; 김도년(Kim, Do-Nyun)
Page pp.109-124
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 창업회사 ; 창업공간 ; 창업지원센터 Start-up Company ; Start-up Space ; Start-up Support Center
Abstract The purpose of the study is to investigate the fundamental compositions of space for the start-up companies (or start-up support center) by analyzing the spatial preference of work and residential space. Hence, we interviewed domestic start-up advising experts (or mangers) and conducted a questionnaire survey of actual start-up or venture founders. In April 2017, the survey was conducted on 8 expert interviews and 73 founder surveys. As a result of the analysis, the work space is preferred to be a closed space for each unit of the team, and they should be composed of a variable space for communication with other start-up teams. In case of residential space, there was a difference between experts' opinions and founders' preferences. Unlike experts' opinions, start-up founders recognize the necessity of residential space and prefer stable and independent residence.