Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Local Characteristics of Empty Homes in Deprived Areas and Implications for Revitalizing Empty Homes: Focusing the Perception of Residents and Local Coordinators
Authors 박성남(Park, Sungnam)
Page pp.5-20
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 빈집 ; 지역 특성 ; 재생 ; 현장 중심 Empty Homes ; Local Characteristics ; Urban Regeneration ; Practice-focused
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics and problems of empty homes, and to suggest the implications for the regeneration of empty homes in deprived areas, based on the perception of residents and local experts. For this study, in-depth field survey, interviews with local residents and experts were conducted for three regeneration project areas of Yeongju, Cheonan city, and Suncheon. The results of the three case studies are as follows. First, all in-depth case study areas have similar reasons of declining areas such as construction of new suburbs and a continuous decrease in population due to disasters. Second, as a result of residents' interviews, it is confirmed that the number of empty homes is related to the local characteristics such as the aging of residents and the incidence of vacant houses, the degree of inclination, the inferior access roads and the connection with vacancy occurrence. Also, the majority of the residents emphasize the need for a remedy that reflects the characteristics of the area, as the housing environment is deteriorating due to long-term neglected vacancy. Third, as a result of expert interview, policy implications are made for promoting the effective implementation of many difficulties and vacancy solution. Emphasizing the necessity of site-centered empty homes regeneration strategies, this study suggests implications.