Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Influence of Community-based Facilities on Residents' Empowerment - Focused on Residential Environment Management Project Site of Seoul
Authors 김일영(Kim, Il-young) ; 신중진(Shin, Joong-jin)
Page pp.83-100
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 주민역량 ; 주민공동이용시설 ; 역량강화 ; 주거환경관리사업 Residents' Empowerment ; Community-based Facilities ; Empowerment ; Residential Environment Management Project
Abstract Residents' empowerment(RE) has gotten attention as a core of solutions for various urban problems and local self-sustaining power. Community-based facilities(CBF) contribute to RE and regeneration of low-rise residential areas through diverse discussions and process of agreement. However, there are also some side-effects such as concentration of benefit to a part of residents and giving up of managing a facility due to too much burden on its operation. This study aims to identify relationships among empowerment factors and suggest improvement strategies through researching and analysing the influence of CBF and management process to RE. The result shows: First, CBF has to be established corresponding RE. Second, RE is different from residential environment management project. Third, any external support for RE needs to be continued. Forth, RE of the local society(which is the main agent of diverse activities) also has to be reinforced to empower CBF staff. The improvement strategies are as follows: First, there is a need to build a system to establish CBF and monitor the future process of its management. Second, pre-project for RE should be reinforced. Third, a step by step strategy will be needed so that the size and construction time of the facilities can be flexibly adjusted. Forth, connection between local community and CBF should be promoted and a platform which enables steady collaboration should be provided.