Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Development and Applicability of Resilient City Criteria for Adopting Resilient City Model - Focused on Hamburg Water Cycle Jenfelder Au, Germany
Authors 이성희(Lee, Sung-Hee) ; 김정곤(Kim, Jong-Kon)
Page pp.113-126
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 회복탄력성 ; 회복탄력적인 도시 ; 평가기준 ; 도시 회복탄력성 Resilience ; Resilient City ; Criteria ; Urban Resilience
Abstract This study aims to develop and evaluate the applicability of the Resilient City Criteria which can diagnose improvements of city's resilience improve the resilience from the various risks and stresses. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, Resilient city can be defined as a city capable of coping with disturbances on its own, having an ability to withstand and absorb external shocks in an ever-changing environment, to adapt quickly and stably, and to recover to a level better than previous levels. Second, resilient city criteria were derived through literature review and expert brainstorming. Resilient city criteria were set as the upper categories of 'Potential' and 'Connectedness' which are core characteristics of the resilience adaptive cycle. In the potential category, four criteria of redundancy, diversity, resistance and physical robustness and reliability were derived, and in the connectedness category, seven criteria of integrated knowledge management, quality of exchange relationships, spatial-related identity and values, reaction capability, learning capability, cooperative capability and empathy were derived. Third, the applicability of the derived Resilient City Criteria was verified by applying it to Jenfelder Au project in Hamburg, Germany.