Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Evaluation of Microclimate Condition and Thermal Comfort in Pedestrianlevel Environment of a Remodeled Apartment Complex
Authors 김동준(Kim, Dongjun) ; 김형규(Kim, Hyungkyoo) ; 오세규(Oh, Segyu) ; 강준모(Kang, Junmo)
Page pp.33-46
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 공동주택 ; 리모델링 ; 저층부 ; 온열쾌적성 ; ENVI-met Apartment ; Remodeling ; Pedestrian-level ; Thermal Comfort ; ENVI-met
Abstract This study evaluates the microclimate conditions and thermal comfort in the pedestrian-level environment of a recently remodeled aapartment complex in Seoul, using ENVI-met simulation and PMV(Predicted Mean Vote) methods for each. Analysis results show the following considerations. Newly introduced ground-level pilotis increases the wind speeds on the ground and helps air circulation. Second, the new green land cover on the ground improved the qualities of microclimate and thermal conditions by reducing ground level temperature in summer, as well as the landscape quality. Third, the before and after comparison analysis suggests that the remodeling design should consider summer conditions rather than winter ones. This study emphasizes the importance of improving pedestrian-level environments during any apartment complex remodeling to provide pleasant quality of life for residents and also to contribute to sustainable urban development.