Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Comparative Study on the 'Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)' and 'New Urban Agenda(NUA)' of United Nations
Authors 이유경(Lee, Yookyung) ; 이승호(Lee, Seungho) ; 조영태(Cho, Youngtae)
Page pp.91-110
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 지속가능발전목표 ; 지속가능발전목표 목표 11 ; 새로운 도시의제 ; 지속가능한 도시 ; 비교연구 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) ; SDG Goal 11 ; New Urban Agenda(NUA) ; Sustainable City ; Comparative Study
Abstract Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), established at the 2015 UN Summit, and New Urban Agenda (NUA), adopted by UN Habitat III in October 2016, are the most outstanding movement for sustainable urban development. Given that SDGs and NUA is to lead the sustainable paradigm for the next 15-20 years in terms of urban development, this study compares and analyzes the main agendas and implementation plans of the two international discourses. And the comparative analysis suggests some implications for Korea's urban policy. Both SDGs and NUA emphasize the properties of inclusiveness, justice, resilience and sustainability of the cities and human settlements. In particular, Habitat III's NUA which is developed from the previous achievements is expected to play an important role to tackle against poverty and inequality urban issues, and to promote environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable and inclusive cities in many aspects. In response to SDGs and NUA, Korean governments are expected a) to embrace more inclusive city agenda, b) to establish cooperative networks, and c) to pay more attention to implement the Goal of SDGs and NUA.