Title |
Equity of the Incentive System in the Housing Renewal Projects in Seoul |
Keywords |
주택정비사업 ; 공공기여 ; 용적률 인센티브 ; 기반시설 기부채납 ; 임대주택 공급 Housing Renewal Project ; Public Contribution ; FAR Incentives ; Infrastructure Liability ; Public Housing Provision |
Abstract |
Accurate and effective consideration about the equity of incentive system is essential to increase the publicness of the four public contribution methods in housing renewal projects, which are Infrastructure Liability(IL), Facility(building space) Donation(FD), Monetary Contribution(MC) and Public Housing Provision(PH). This study examined the equity of incentive system for the four public contribution methods by comparing the developers' costs, additional revenues and public utilities based on the financial data derived from 84 housing renewal projects in Seoul, Korea. The results were as follows: The incentive for the IL turned out to be very insufficient, thus should be increased for important regional infrastructures to promote private participation. The excessive incentive for FD should be adjusted to a proper level, and a weight system needs to be applied in order to reflect the value difference according to the donated facilities' location(floor). In the incentive calculation of FD and MC, the actual housing development area should be applied. Also suggestions such as, increasement of public housing ratio in PH and change in the area conversion of FD and MC, were included and their effects were analyzed. |