Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on Conflict Management in Location of the Correctional Facilities by Community Integration with Neighbourhood : Focused on Seoul Nambu Correctional Facility
Authors 박은주(Park, Eun Joo) ; 백진(Baek, Jin)
Page pp.53-64
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 교정시설 ; 교도소 ; 비선호시설 ; 입지갈등 ; 지역사회 ; 교류 Correctional Facilities ; Prison ; Conflict Management ; LULU(Locally Unwante Land Use) ; Local Community ; Integration
Abstract Correctional facilities, located in the suburbs at the time of their establishment, are becoming increasingly closer to city centres due to continual expansion of city itself. Since they are recognised as typical unpleasant facilities by local residents, neighboring community would strongly demand for their relocation. The methods and procedure of this study are the following: 1) analysing the problems of correctional facilities from LULU point of view, 2) looking at the current status of communication between the domestic correctional facilities and examining local community in terms of the provision of shared space with the residents, 3) focusing on Seoul Nambu Correctional Facility to see how the facility interacts with local community and analysing the correlation between residents' participation and perceptional change of correctional facilities. The implication of this study is thus to explore a new paradigm for perceptional change of the correctional facilities which will arises from the integration with its neighboring community though those are typical NIMBY facilities.