Title |
Tracing the Path of Growing Manila: Changing Urban Form from Small Canal City into Multi-centered Metropolis |
Authors |
한광야(Han, GwangYa) ; 곽혜빈(Kwak, HyeBin) |
Keywords |
마닐라 ; 도시성장 ; 운하 ; 항구 ; 철도 ; 메트로 ; 외곽순환도로 Manila ; City Growth ; Canal ; Port ; Railroad ; Metro ; Circumferential Road |
Abstract |
This paper aims to address the development characteristics of Manila, a historic port city in Manila Bay, by tracing the path of growing form. The expansion of multi-centered Manila has been significantly directed by a set of transportation systems, each of which was developed for its purpose. Such transportation systems and their development anchors, developed by Spanish and American forces as well as Philippine and Manila governments in sequenced phases, are identified as: (1) river-canal (port-market-church); (2) port-railroad (train station-market-university); (3) metro-circumferential road (metro station-army and navy base-shopping complex) These mutually independent transportation systems have intensified social segregation among communities by income, ethnic composition and cultural background within an ever-expanding metropolitan setting. The findings suggest that such a problem, shared by other Southeast Asian cities, necessitate an intervening public action for enhanced physical connection between mutually independent transportation systems and their nodes. |