Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Rapid Appraisal Toolkit (RAT) for Entering into the Overseas Urban Development Market - With a Case Study of Hanoi, Vietnam
Authors 박진희(Park, Jinhee) ; 커즈 포터(Potter, Cuz)
Page pp.93-110
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 해외도시개발 ; 신속평가도구 ; 현지 정보 Overseas Urban Development ; Rapid Appraisal ; Local Data
Abstract This paper aims at developing a rapid appraisal toolkit (RAT) for overseas urban developments that can be used to collect and analyze local data in a cost effective and timely manner. An analysis of Hanoi using the developed RAT shows the validity and usefulness of the RAT model through the triangulation of various research methods, including complementary qualitative and quantitative data. Five characteristics drawn from the analysis are specified: to strengthen the validity of qualitative and quantitative data; to deepen the understanding of quantitative results through qualitative data; to indicate requirements for further investigation due to inconsistencies between quantitative and qualitative data; to reflect cultural factors via unexpected data or repeated emphasis; and to require the development of more systematic research methods to support detailed explanation. The paper concludes that the RAT is useful for cost effective understanding for what the background of local societies and their cultures are and how these impact housing demand.