Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Urban Regeneration Projects at Waterfront Areas in Korea - Focusing on the Revitalization Plan of Urban Regeneration Projects during 2016 and 2017
Authors 이유경(Lee, Yookyung) ; 이승호(Lee, Seungho) ; 조영태(Cho, Youngtae)
Page pp.111-130
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시재생사업 ; '도시재생 뉴딜사업' ; 수변공간 ; 활성화계획 Urban Regeneration Projects ; 'Urban Regeneration New Deal Projects' ; Waterfront ; Revitalization Plan
Abstract This study analyzes the 'Urban Regeneration Projects' associated with waterfront areas that were initiated by the Korean government during 2016 and 2017. Attention is placed on the appraisal of how the projects consider water resources(fresh water) as an important element. Results show that 20 project plans accomodate urban waterfronts in rivers and sea shores. These projects encompass a) ecological restoration, b) development of tour areas near waterfronts linking historic and cultural assets, c) creation of waterfront networks, green spaces, and walking trails, d) development of harbour-based waterfront cities, e) waterfront landscape projects in islands, and f) the regeneration of the 'Rust Belt,' the shipbuilding industry. While these projects have been trying to collaborate with public institutions, and to encourage the citizen participation, they have shown clear limitations in providing concrete action plans. Since most of the projects merely understand waterfront areas as historical and cultural assets, it is required to diversify contents and subjects of the projects. The expansion of cooperation with public corporations such as K-water or Korea Land and Housing Corporation, which have expertise and know-how in their fields, can contribute to the diversification of the projects.