Title |
Park and Green Space Planning of Gyeongseong: Significance and Limitations |
Authors |
김영민(Kim, Youngmin) ; 조세호(Cho, Seho) |
Keywords |
경성 ; 일제강점기 ; 근대도시계획 ; 공원 ; 녹지 Gyeongseong ; Japanese Occupation ; Modern Urban Planning ; Park ; Green Space |
Abstract |
The study analyzes park and green space plans of Gyeongseong(Seoul) based on official planning documents and examines its significance and limitations. In the 1910s and 1920s, establishing the park plan was not a priority agenda of urban planning; however, with the enactment of the urban planning law in 1934, a park and greens space plan became one of the essential steps of the urban planning process. Park plans of 1930 and 1940 present the most developed and systemized structure in the early modern period. The former suggested 38 parks in 5 categories, and the latter proposed 140 parks in 6 categories. These planning documents emphasized the role of parks as sanitation infrastructure; whereas the function of leisure and cultural space was not considered important. The land-use zoning system and designation of park as urban facilities were proposed to implement the park plan. The park plans were not able to be implemented for three reasons: institutional inertia, lack of resources due to war time condition, and unreasonable planning goals. However, there were efforts to find alternatives to improve parks and green spaces, such as including natural green area to park areas, implementing plans through both land-use zoning and land readjustment projects, and appropriate palaces as parks. Even though the park and green space plans of Gyeongseong could not fully implemented, there were major improvements in park planning throughout the early modernization period, and the plan of 1940 provided the framework of the park system of Seoul after establishment of Republic of Korea. |