Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Field Survey and Regeneration Strategy in Clusters of the Empty Homes ; Community Regeneration
Authors 박진경(Park, Jin-Kyung) ; 권혁삼(Kwon, Hyuck-Sam)
Page pp.5-18
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 빈집밀집구역; 실태조사; 재생방안; 커뮤니티 재생 Clusters of the Empty Homes; Field Survey; Regeneration Strategy;Community Regeneration
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual conditions of areas with high concentration of empty homes-clusters of empty homes-and to suggest regeneration strategy to revitalize these communities. The results of our survey showed that most of empty homes within the study area were adjacent to roads with less than 3m width-preventing vehicular access. Also, the neighborhood houses were deteriorating, and became deserted when the residents relocated to other regions. There is a limit to improve residential environment in the areas with the clusters of empty homes due to the narrow roads and lack of infrastructures. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake small-scale residential area regeneration projects covering improvement of empty homes, adjacent roads and deserted neighborhood. Since there are limitations in conducting such projects by residents themselves, participation of the public sector is necessary.