Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title An Analysis on the Level of Park Services in Korea’s Metropolitan Cities
Authors 김용국(Kim, Yong-Gook)
Page pp.19-32
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 포용도시; 도시공원 정책; 녹색인프라; 생활 SOC Inclusive City; Urban Park Policy; Green Infrastructure; Living SOC
Abstract The purpose of this study is to confirm whether the metropolitan urban park services are provided in an inclusive way ny considering socioeconomic and environmental status of neighborhood units and to suggest implications for the improvements of park policy for green city environment. The main results are as follows. First, there are many areas and residents excluded from the park services. Of the 1,148 neighborhoods in metropolitan cities, 530(about 46.2%) have a park area less than 3㎡ per person, which is the standard for securing parks in legal way. Second, as a result of analyzing the relationship between park service level and socioeconomic and environmental status(SEES) variables, 1,148 neighborhoods in metropolitan cities, it is deduced that the level of park service is poorly provided, where the elderly ratio is high and economic and educational level is low. The scatter plot results also showed that neighborhoods with very poor park services included the followings: a) aging neighborhoods where elderly consists more than 20% of the total population, b) poor neighborhoods more than 20% of the residents are beneficiaries of the National Basic Livelihood Security System, c) areas lacking physical activity with obesity rate above 30%, and d) areas vulnerable to extreme heat and micro dusts. Thirdly, from the cluster analysis results, we were able to refine four types of neighborhoods requiring park services: ‘elderly welfare type,’ ‘child support type,’ ‘environmental issue type,’ and ‘local economy support type’.