Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Improvement of the System for the Activation of Youth Housing Supply in Seoul - Focused on the Case of Jamsil-dong Songpa-gu Seoul
Authors 이우형(Lee, Woo-Hyung) ; 서충원(Seo, Chung-Won)
Page pp.41-60
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 역세권; 대중교통중심개발(TOD); 청년가구; 청년주택 Subway Areas; Transit-Oriented Development; Young Household; Young Adults Housing
Abstract This research, as the way of residents stability of young households, aimed to examine the improvement of the operating system of housing supply for young adults. This study intends to activate the housing supply for young adults in the subway station areas. By analyzing the current situation and problems of the case study of young adults housing, this study suggested the improvement plans for the change of land use to the general commercial zone to prevent incongruity in urban planning and the legal standard of the public contribution rate according to the actual increase in floor area ratio(FAR). This study proposed management plans such as car-free living culture for creating the sustainable settlement environment and community activation. Furthermore, this study suggested the specific plan to increase the effectiveness of the housing supply for young adults by providing incentives for private businesses with an additional 20 percent FAR for the municipalities which have a proportion of young households higher than the average in Seoul. Yet, since this study has analyzed the target area by the end of December 2018, additional research about young adults housing should proceed after this study. In addition, the young adults housing which is supplied in the subway station areas should be studied along with the prevention of CBD's decline and preparing sustainable settlement environment that contributes to the community as well residence stability of the young adults housing.