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Title Water Space Classification for Rainwater Circulation in Residential Complexes and Reservoir Park Design - With Case Study on Youngho Urban Park at Hyoja Residential Complex, Jeonju City
Authors 조주원(Jo, Juwon) ; 이명우(Lee, Myungwoo)
Page pp.99-116
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 저영향개발; 유역분석; 레인가든; 경관생태학; 주연부효과 LID; Watershed Analysis; Rain Garden; Landscape Ecology; Ecotone
Abstract This study classified the water space that can be applied within the residential area of the city to restore the natural water circulation system, applying the result to the remodeling design of the reservoir park. For the study, the theories and laws related to rainwater, reservoirs, quantity and quality of water were reviewed. In the remodeling design, the SSB(Sustainable Structured wetland Biotope)system, SSS(SLOW-SPREAD-SOAK)model, Patch-Corridor-Matrix model of landscape ecology, Dramstad’s Principles, and Ecotone(edge effect) were introduced. First, the characteristics of the site were reviewed through watershed hierarchy. After the water space that could happen in the watershed was divided into groups- natural and urban types, case studies were made, which were reflected in the classification and reservoir park design. The urban water space was classified into 6 types : houses, apartments, schools, public buildings, children’s parks and reservoir parks according to the land use, the subject of use, and the scale of green space. It was found that the school type, children’s park type, and reservoir type can be applied to the landscape design of Yongho Reservoir Park. The application of each type can be selectively used, depending on the location of the park or the designer’s intention. The results of study can be made use of designing a reservoir park in the city. The application of this natural rainwater circulation structure can solve the problems of peak flow control during flooding, microclimate control, river aridification and pollution, which can contribute to the conversion of users’ ecological awareness.