Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Change of Building Owners in Commercial Gentrified Area - Focused on Insa-dong Area, Seoul
Authors 이재홍(Lee, Jae-Hong) ; 홍성조(Hong, Sungjo)
Page pp.21-35
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 상업적 젠트리피케이션; 건물 소유자; 부동산 소유 Commercial Gentrification; Building Owners; Property Ownership
Abstract Recently, gentrification has attracted attention, and there is a great interest in commercial gentrification in Korea. Building owners have a significant impact on commercial gentrification through rent. However, previous research on changes in building owners during the gentrification process is very insufficient. The purpose of this study is to analyze the change of building owners in the area where commercial gentrification occurred and to derive policy implications. The spatial scope of this study is based on Insa-dong area, and the time range is from 1990 to 2019. A registered copy of the building was used, and the owner data were analyzed every five years. The summary of the analysis result is as follows. First, profit-oriented building owners continue to increase. In particular, the increase in absentee owners was evident. Second, the volume of transactions increased sharply between 1990 and 2004 when gentrification occurred in Insa-dong area. After that, transaction volume stabilizes at the level of 1990. Third, profit-oriented building purchases continue to increase.