Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Analysis of the Effect of Visual Information Volume on the Preference of Commercial Streetscape - Using the Computer Vision Techniques
Authors 이지윤(Lee, Ji-Yun) ; 박진아(Park, Jina)
Page pp.75-86
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 가로경관; 시각적 복잡성; 경관선호도; 엣지디텍션 Streetscape; Visual Complexity; Scenery Preference; Edge Detection
Abstract The aim of this study is to find out the visual complexity perception of the streetscape and preferences from street users and to compare the relationship between computer-measured visual complexity to see if a computer can represent a person’s perception. Previous studies about visual complexity have the problem of being arbitrary in defining ‘visual complexity’, so this study attempted to overcome the limitations of previous studies using computer-based mechanical measurement. The results of this study are as follows: First, the relationship between two measurement methods was found to be consistent. As a result, we saw the possibility that computers could represent human perception. Second, as the complexity of the streetscape has increased, people’s preferences have risen and then peaked at medium complexity and then lowered again. Therefore, in order to derive the highest preference of street users, it is important to plan the elevation of the building by selecting the appropriate complexity.