Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Estimating the Value of Smart City Services that Citizens Perceive - Focused on Service for Smart City in Sam-bang District, Gimhae
Authors 김민재(Kim, Min-Jae) ; 조준혁(Jo, Joon-Hyok)
Page pp.137-150
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 스마트도시; 김해 삼방지구; 가치추정; 조건부가치추정법; 단일경계모형 Smart City; Sam-bang District in Gimhae; Economic Valuation; CVM; Single-Bounded Dichotomous Choice Model
Abstract The purpose of this study is to estimate the degree to which citizens value smart city services, and to analyze their perceptions and attitudes toward smart city services. This work can play a very important role in justifying smart city policies. To this end, we estimated the perceived value assigned by citizens to smart city service that citizens think of for the smart city service project in Sambang District, Gimhae, and analyzed the reason. Using the Contingent Valuation Method, annual WTP per household was estimated. As a result of analyzing the factors that affect the intention to pay, the higher the interest in safety in general (+), the higher the utilization of smart services using applications (+), and the higher the intention to use smart city services in the future. (+), married people (+) showed higher willingness to pay. In addition, the higher the intention to use the service in the future, the higher the intention to pay. After a certain level of service is provided, follow-up research can provide implications for the advancement of the project through follow-up research. It is necessary to promote a pilot project that citizens can experience quickly, even though it is small, such as the Smart City Service in Sambang District, Gimhae City, and more citizens need to experience the demonstration service through various methods and opportunities. Through this, we will be able to get positive responses from citizens when promoting smart city projects.