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Title A Study on the Analysis of the Causes of Other Vacant Houses in Local Area in Japan with High Rate of Other Vacant Houses - Focused on Cities, Towns and Villages in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
Authors 이지은(Lee, Ji-Eun) ; 유하늬(Yu, Ha-Nui)
Page pp.5-23
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 높은 기타 빈집률; 기타 빈집 발생 원인; 일본의 지방 지역 High Rate of Other Vacant Houses; Causes of Other Vacant Houses; Local Area of Japan
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze factors that cause other vacant houses in Kagoshima Prefecture, which has the highest number of cities, wards, towns, and villages in the top 100 rate of other vacant houses in Japan. As a result of factor analysis of factors expected to generate other vacant houses in Kagoshima Prefecture, it was classified into social and industrial factors, living environment factors, financial factors, and economic factors. As a result of multi-comparison analysis of factors predicting the occurrence of other vacant houses according to the rate levels of other vacant houses in Kagoshima Prefecture, it was found that rate of other vacant houses was more affected by social and industrial factors and living environment factors than economic factors or financial factors. It was confirmed that rate of other vacant houses increased as the size of cities decreased, such as core cities, middle cities, small cities, and town and villages.