Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Large Apartment Complexes and the Residential Segregation - Focused on Pusan
Authors 박영민(Park, Young Min) ; 김종구(Kim, Jong Gu)
Page pp.153-170
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 주거지 분리; 대단지 아파트; 상이지수; 주거지 분리지수; LISA; 다중회귀분석; 공간회귀분석 Residential Segregation; Large Apartment Complexes; Dissimilarity Index; Segregation Index; Local Indicators of Spatial Autocorrelation; Multiple Regression Analysis; Spatial Regression Analysis.
Abstract Based on the ‘neighborhood unit’ theory, the apartment complex was composed internally around shops and schools, and was treated as a single neighborhood unit with one household. With the spread of large apartment complex, one lot is treated as a single neighborhood unit. Considering the criticism the ‘neighborhood unit’ created a closed urban space structure and triggered the residential segregation by race and class, it is necessary to analyze whether large apartment complex caused the residential segregation. This study diagnosed residential segregation in Busan and identified the cause of residential segregation in a regression analysis. The total number of groups was divided into five according to housing rents that explained economic conditions. To diagnose the residential segregation, the dissimilarity index and the segregation index was used. Residential segregation was observed in the 5th quintile(paid the highest housing rent) and in the 1st quintle(paid the lowest housing rent), and in the 2nd quintile. Factors affecting residential segregation are analyzed through multiple regression and spatial regression analysis. Common variables which have statistical significance are “2nd Class Residential District”, “3rd Class Residential District”, “large apartment complex” and “old town”. The “2nd Class Residential District”, “3rd Class Residential District”, and “old town” served as factors to reduce the residential segregation, while “large apartment complexes” served as factors to increase the residential segregation.