Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Selection of Sensory Indicators of Commercial Gentrification - Focusing on Comparison of Positive and Negative Weights through AHP
Authors 유민태(You, Min-Tae) ; 박태원(Park, Tae-Won)
Page pp.55-71
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 상업지역; 상권활성화; 젠트리피케이션; 체감지표; 계층분석기법 Commercial District; Commercial Activation; Gentrification; Sensory Criterion; Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)
Abstract This study recomposed the Sensory indicators of commercial gentrifications with six upper components and 18 observed variables. Specifically, comparing the importance between indicators through the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP), the meanings and utilization measures of indicators are suggested as follows. First, the visiting consumption trend is the most important indicator that could be used as a dependent variable showing positive and negative. Second, the online trend measures the reputation and image together with the regional search trend, which is working as a leading indicator of the visiting consumption trend. Third, the lease trend that shows changes in the utilization value of space, is the most important indicator that observes the negative effects of gentrification. Fourth, the current state of business type composition shows the actual state of business and composition within a region, which could be used as a sub-indicator. Fifth, the land use trend is recommended to be used as a leading indicator that is observed before the lease trend is changed. Sixthly, the change in regional space characteristics is correlated with the vitalization of commercial area.