Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Masterplan for the Previous K-2 Site in Daegu - Reviewing the Winning Project on the International Idea Competition
Authors 이희재(Lee, Hee Jae) ; 백한열(Baek, Han Yeol)
Page pp.21-34
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 종전부지; 마스터플랜; K-2 공군기지; 대구 Previous Site; Masterplan; K-2 Airbase; Daegu
Abstract This study aims to review the winning masterplan of the international idea competition for the previous K-2 site in Daegu. First, related terms and research trends were reviewed, simultaneously, the screening standards were formulated based on theoretical considerations. In addition, the detailed process from understanding the RFP(Request for Proposals) for the competition to the masterplan results, including urban development strategy and design contents of each sector, were elaborated and screened by the perspectives of utilization plan and regional specificity. Most of all, this study was not limited to the design proposal but sought new methodologies and feasibility related to the previous site for airbase in terms of urban design according to the screening standards, which are regionality and historicalness; eco-friendly and ecological urban landscape; neighboring plans and phased development; urban transportation system; preservation and utilization of historical facilities; solution for the existing urban problem; reconstruction of the downtown area.