Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Comprehensive Renewal Plan Of Low-rise Residential Area Using Appropriate Blocks For The Implementation Of Urban Block Renewal Project ? Focusing On The Case Of Incheon Metropolitan City
Authors 조재원(Jo, Jae-won) ; 나인수(Na, In-Su)
Page pp.53-68
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시재생; 가로주택정비사업; 저층주거지; 통합 정비방안 Urban Regeneration; Urban Block Renewal Project; Low-rise Residential Area; Comprehensive Renewal Plan
Abstract This study proposes a comprehensive renewal plan aimed at revitalizing low-rise residential areas on the old town of Incheon near Hambak town by utilizing the urban block renewal project. First, blocks that meet the propositional requirements for the urban block renewal project are derived, and analysis criteria for comparing the adequacy of the urban block renewal project are defined and applied. Those are expressed in terms of block size, block type, building use, housing size, access condition, and retention rate. Therefore, blocks that are relatively more appropriate than other blocks in terms of implementing the urban block renewal project are derived. Those are defined as suitable blocks for the implementation of the urban block renewal project. As a result, the 13 out of a total of 52 blocks are found to be suitable for the implementation of the Hambak town urban block renewal project. Based on the derived blocks, the types are classified into one single block, two connected blocks, and three connected blocks according to distribution characteristics and road conditions. Finally, a new plan is proposed by linking the appropriate block and the urban regeneration of Hambak town.