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Title Exploring Alternative Urban Design Strategies to Support Local Urbanity of Vacant Open Spaces in Declined Superblock Complexes - Focused on Revitalizing Urbanity by Tactical Urbanism Strategies on Vacant Open Spaces
Authors 윤윤정(Yun, Yun-Jung) ; 이성구(Lee, Sung-Ku)
Page pp.89-108
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 유휴 공지; 슈퍼블록; 도시성 회복; 택티컬 어바니즘 Vacant Open Spaces; Superblock Complex; Revitalizing Urbanity; Tactical Urbanism
Abstract This study aims to explore urban design alternatives to vacant open spaces in superblock complexes as an urban regeneration strategy. In Seoul metro city in Korea, the superblock complex is one of the superior housing types. Superblock complexes had been constructed as land development projects for the large-scale housing supply in the 1980s; however, as time has gone by, the superblock site caused urban decline issues: the lack of connection with the surrounding neighborhood environment and living SOC accessibility. Besides, currently, most of the superblock complexes have deteriorated; the authors try to find urban design alternatives by reusing vacant open spaces, rather than the existing large-scale physical development methods such as redevelopment and reconstruction. With theoretical considerations on tactical urbanism and recovering urbanity, field investigation, interview, and living SOC mapping are implemented; as a result, the types of vacant open spaces are verified. This study is meaningful because urban design alternatives are suggested based on a more local urban context. They reflect the demands of modern urban residents to enhance accessibility of neighboring living SOCs.