Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Urban Design Strategy of High-density Sloped Residential Areas in Seoul -Focused on Eunpyeong-gu Residential Area, Seoul
Authors 유다은(Yoo, Da-Un) ; 김소영(Kim, So-Young) ; 윤지예(Yoon, Ji-Ye) ; 이선호(Lee, Sun-Ho)
Page pp.109-125
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 고밀 경사주거지; 도시 리모델링; 설계전략; 통합 마스터플랜 구상 High-density Sloped Residential Area; Urban Remodeling; Design Strategy; Integrated Master Plan
Abstract This study intends to present a design strategy for urban remodeling to improve the overall living conditions of high-density sloped residential areas where old houses and new villas are mixed. First, superblock model is applied in reorganizing road network to improve street environment. Second, we suggest small-scale redevelopment projects by selecting areas concentrated with aging houses. A circular lane that connects the underground parking lot floors will reduce traffic above ground. Third, the parking spaces created under the existing housing piloti are utilized as various program spaces for communal living, and organically connected to the newly created pedestrian-only street. Fourth, create multi levels of flat openspace on especially steep areas to actively utilize the community service amenities. Fifth, we propose a programmatic combination method in which the multi-purpose complex spaces of the newly developed apartment complex are operated flexibly, where all local residents can selectively use the communal space according to their needs.