Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Analysis of Cooperative Apartment Development By Citizen Participation Theories of Arnstein and Nabatchi - A Empirical Study of Deoham’s WESTAY Apartment Project
Authors 이정호(Lee, Jungho) ; 서덕수(Seo, Ducksu) ; 김종빈(Kim, Jongbin)
Page pp.39-56
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 주민참여; 위스테이; 아파트; 협동조합; 아린스틴; 나바치 Citizen Participation; WESTAY; Apartment; Cooperative Housing; Arnstein; Nabatchi
Abstract As housing is considered as a ‘place to invest’ rather than a ‘place to live’, the importance of residential community is significantly regarded for the quality of life. This study aims to investigate a cooperative housing, ‘WESTAY’ apartment project and its residential community which is highlighted as an outstanding citizen participation model of the apartment complex. The theories of Arnstein and Nabatchi are the main platforms for in-depth analysis of the dynamic of community involvements in addition to on-site observation, in-depth interviews with project developers and residents. It was found that the community showed levels of partnership, delegated power, and citizen control beyond tokenism based on an inclusive cooperative model and dynamic community programs under REITs business structure. This study indicates significant implications for local community-led housing development and management.