Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Identifying Physical Distinction in Social-mix Apartment Complexes - Focusing on Redeveloped Apartment Complexes
Authors 오한규(Oh, Hangyu) ; 황세원(Hwang, Soe Won)
Page pp.143-157
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 아파트단지; 사회적 혼합; 물리적 구별짓기 Apartment Complex; Social Mix; Physical Distinction
Abstract This study was conducted on the premise that social exclusion occurs in social-mix apartment complexes mainly due to their physical environments. Bourdieu’s social concept of ‘La distinction’ is extended into spatial dimension to analyze impediments of social-mix apartment complex composed of different social classes. All 91 social-mix complexes with 500 or more households, constructed by Housing Redevelopment Projects were selected to analyze and discuss the overall trend of physical distinction occurring in the level of the complex layout and the apartment building. The results show, the tendency of rental housing concentrated in a specific area within the complex, 6 specific factors for separation of rental housing and sale housing area, the composition of the apartment buildings consisting of rental, sales, and mixed apartment building, and different architectural plan and spatial segregation between rental and sales apartment building and within the mixed apartment building. Although the degree of physical mixing in the social mix apartment complexes is intensifying, physical distinction continues to occur in a more intrinsic way in a smaller spatial scale than before.