Title |
The Role and Collaboration on the Process of Creating a Residential Village for Dementia Treat - With a Case Study on Hogeweyk in Netherlands |
Authors |
김소원(Kim, So-Won) ; 김정빈(Kim, Jung-Bin) |
https://doi.org/10.38195/judik.2022. |
Keywords |
치매마을; 마을형주거공간; 주체의 역할; 호그벡 Dementia Village; Residential Village; Role of Participants; Hogeweyk |
Abstract |
This study aims to analyze the roles and collaboration structure of participants by reviewing the process of creating the Hogeweyk which is a representative case of village-type residential space for dementia patients, and to suggest implications for the first dementia village in Korea. For this, previous studies were reviewed to establish a framework for case analysis. As a result, the study reached the following conclusions. First, the welfare system in the Netherlands served as a background for supporting the construction and operation of dementia villages. Second, the leading participants formed a new organization or found the partnership. Third, they raised funds on their own and diversified their financial structure. Fourth, they prepared a plan to prevent conflicts with local residents and connect the local community with dementia villages. Therefore, financial diversification, integrated services, and communication with local communities should be considered for dementia villages in Korea. The study is meaningful in that it could be served as a basis for preparing spatial welfare policies for dementia patients. |