Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Impacts of Residential Neighborhood Environment on Travel Satisfaction by Major Population Groups Vulnerable to Lack of Safe Walking Opportunities
Authors 이소민(Lee, So-Min) ; 이명훈(Lee, Myeong-Hun)
Page pp.125-142
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 보행취약계층; 근린환경; 보행네트워크; 통행만족도 Pedestrian Vulnerable Groups; Neighborhood Environment; Pedestrian Network; Travel Satisfaction
Abstract The purpose of this study is to measure the factors affecting the trafficsatisfaction in the neighborhood based on the cognitive factors, focusing on theactual movement route, from the perspective of the pedestrian vulnerable class, whois most vulnerable to safety, and to find out the difference from the preferencefactors for general pedestrians. is verified through empirical analysis. As a result ofthe study, it was confirmed that the factor that had the greatest influence on thepedestrian satisfaction of the pedestrian-vulnerable class was the accessibility ofpublic convenience facilities. was identified as a factor. When looking at thepedestrian-vulnerable group by group, 1) the continuity of the pedestrian space andcrime safety were factors affecting the satisfaction of the passage, and 2) in thegroup of infants and toddlers, non-purpose walking was a factor influencing thesatisfaction of the passage. 3) For the elderly group, sufficient width of sidewalksand road structure for walking are suggested as factors affecting the satisfaction ofpassage. By improving the factors affecting daily life and walking activities centeredon the life cycle through the factors confirmed by the empirical analysis of thetravel satisfaction of the walking vulnerable class through the previous researchresults, a residential neighborhood walking environment was created for thepromotion of gait by the walking vulnerable class. You can do it.