Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Urban Design Direction of Urban Innovation Cluster based on IP Convergence Content - Focused on the Components of Urban Innovation Clusters and Design Direction
Authors 조준혁(Jo, Joon Hyok)
Page pp.181-195
ISSN 15980650
Keywords IP융복합콘텐츠; 도시혁신클러스터; 도시설계; 콘텐츠산업; 이질성 IP Convergence Content; Urban Innovation Cluster; Urban Design; Content Industry; Heterogeneity
Abstract This study shows the urban innovation cluster design direction based on IPconvergence content in urban design. The paper analyzes cluster components, theevolutionary process in Korea’s cluster policy, characteristics of the content industry,and innovation cluster cases and synthesizes them. As the key findings of theresearch, IPC should first express the vision and concept of an innovation clusterthat reflects the characteristics of the content industry. The nature of the space ofcities and buildings in IPC should be flexible by accommodating diversity. It shouldbe set to organically connect indoor and outdoor spaces and strengthen theconnectivity with surrounding areas. In addition, the places within IPC should bedesigned to actively interact with the cultural and spatial context of the region. IPCshould promote convergence, innovation, experimentation, and collaboration ofcontent IP and provide a space where people can touchingly experience the results. Lastly, creating a space structure within IPC that is easy and convenient for publictransportation, personal mobility, and walking, should make connecting everywherein the innovation cluster possible.