Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Characteristics of Location and Spatial Composition of Industry-specific Co-working Space
Authors 김현준(Kim, Hyun-Joon) ; 서유강(Seo, Youkang) ; 권영상(Kwon, Young-Sang)
Page pp.19-38
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 코워킹 스페이스; 공간 구성 분석; 입지특성 분석; 산업특화형 Co-working Spaces; Spatial Composition Analysis; Location Characteristics Analysis; Specific Industry
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial composition and location characteristics of industry-specific co-working spaces. To this end, five relevant spaces in Seoul were chosen. The findings on the spatial charateristics are as follows. In terms of the the space composition ratio, it was found to be in the following order : work space = community space > service space. Second, they were highly multipurpose. Third, they showed high accessibility and deep network relationship. When it comes to the location characteristics, first, location determinants were found to include the clustering of same business lines, transportation convenience, nearby markets, adjacent cultural facilities, regional specificity and unique features of the bulidings in which co-working spaces moved.Second, a paradigm shift in location determinants was observed: while the importance of the areas with high density of offices is decreasing, that of surrounding cultural facilities, public facilities and open space is increasing.