Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study on the Institutional Improvement of District Unit Plan for Consolidation of Local Characteristics and Place-based Urban Design
Authors 박태원(Park, Tae-Won) ; 김준우(Kim, Joonwoo) ; 손동욱(Sohn, Dong-Wook) ; 김충호(Kim, Chung Ho) ; 원종석(Won, Jong-Seok) ; 송기황(Song, Ki-Hwang)
Page pp.39-56
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시설계; 지구단위계획; 장소기반; 지역특성 Urban Design; District Unit Plan; Place-based; Local Characteristics
Abstract This research aims to propose institutional improvement of District Unit Plan toward consolidation of local characteristics and place-based and urban design. It is based on analysis of problem of District Unit Plan that are reclassified by contents, management, and professionals. The problems of District Unit Plan are deduced through related research analysis, expert questionnaire, F.G.I, and foreign cases analysis. The analysis found four possible models for place-based urban design: diverse approach of urban design, execution-oriented plan, agreement process, participation of master planner. The institutional improvement for place-based urban design by District Unit Plan are proposed an application of local characteristics, an improvement of plan operation, and an empowerment professional’s ability. Detail suggestions of District Unit Plan are four proposals such as detailed guideline for place-based urban design, specialty improvement of an advisory committee, operation of master planner/architect, and expansion of professional participation.