Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title A Study of Characteristics of Railway-based Urban Growth of Daegu
Authors 한광야(Han, GwangYa) ; 김성주(Kim, SungJoo) ; 김현지(Gim, HyeonJi) ; 김호수(Kim, HoSoo)
Page pp.105-124
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 대구; 철도역; 철도선; 원; 구 신도심; 대중교통환승; 보행체계; 공장구역 Daegu; Railroad Station; Railroad; Ancient?old and New Districts; Mass Transit Transfer; Pedestrian System; Factory Area
Abstract This study aims to examine the characteristics of the growth of Daegu and the urban design implications under the question of ‘how the railway has shaped the urban growth through literature reviews, diachronic map surveys, and field visits. Daegu’s railways have guided the eastward expansion through the diversified expansion of passenger and freight transport bases along with high-speed operation featuring the followings: (1) the developments of the medieval-old and the new districts centered on Daegu and Dongdaegu stations; (2) the redevelopment of factories into mixed-use and low-rise housings followed by high-rise mixed-use and apartments; (3) the transformation of the abandoned railways into roads and parks. The findings confirm the necessity of preparing a long-ranged goal of building inter-dependent relationships between railway stations, including high-speed railway stations in a multi-nuclear city as well as the urban design guidelines for improving the pedestrian network connecting the stations with the surroundings, particularly residential use and downtown function on their front and rear sides, respectively.