Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Variable Importance Analysis of the Residential Satisfaction Factors in Young Adults’ Housing Types in Seoul City Using the Random Forest Model - Using the Korea Housing Survey (2020) Data
Authors 임다혜(Yim, Da-Hye) ; 권영상(Kwon, Young-Sang)
Page pp.103-122
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 청년 주택; 근린환경; 주거환경 만족도; 랜덤 포레스트; 머신 러닝 Young Adults’ Housing; Neighborhood Environment; Residential Satisfaction; Random Forest; Machine Learning
Abstract This study aims to analyze the importance of residential environment elements byhousing type(multi-detached, studio, apartment complex) using random forest modelto improve the residential environment quality for young adults. The analysis resultsare as follows. In multi-detached housing type, sanitation level of house andaccessibility of housing environment were important. In studio type(so-called‘Officetel’ in Korea), neighborhood noise and accessibility of public institution wereimportant. In apartment complex type, accessibility to commercial facilities andparking conveniences were important. Important elements by broader categories werededucted as the following; neighborhood crime safety and air pollution in individualbuilding type(multi-detached house and studio) and accessibility to cultural facilitiesin residential land use type(multi-detached house and apartment complex). In allhousing types, important factors were house satisfaction, accessibility to medicalfacilities, and educational environment, trust between neighbors, and pedestriansafety. This implies that the residential environment elements should be dealtdifferently by housing type and land use in supplying housing for young adults andimproving the residential environment.