Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Planning Criteria for Smart Tourism City Linked to Urban Regeneration
Authors 유민태(You, Min-Tae) ; 박태원(Park, Tae-Won)
Page pp.123-137
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 도시재생; 스마트도시; 스마트관광; 스마트관광도시; 계획기준; 계층분석기법 Urban Regeneration; Smart City; Smart Tourism; Smart Tourism City Planning Criteria; Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)
Abstract This study proposes planning criteria for smart tourism city linked to urbanregeneration projects. This criteria aimes to create an environment in whichindividuals can use customized urban services based on ICT and various externaleffects can be controlled. This criteria consist of four main categories and 24planning elements which are identified by literature review and FGI with experts. Inaddition, comparing perceived importance of major groups, namely centralgovernment, local government, private companies, and researchers to find praticalimplications. The study results show that convergent use of local resources (0.408)gets the highest score followed by creating reciprocal local economic ecosystem(0.280), making shared smart infrastructure (0.163), managing place data platform(0.150). In particular, private companies have very different perspectives on makingshared smart infrastructure from other groups. Therefore, it is necessary to set aclear goal and discuss more between stakeholders. This study is meaningful becauseit re-conceptualize smart tourism city and practical planning criteria based on publicmaterials.