Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Stagewise Comparative Analysis of Community Revitalization Factors in Neighborhood-Oriented Urban Regeneration Projects
Authors 김동현(Kim, Dong-Hyeon) ; 장경희(Jang, Kyung-Hee) ; 오재만(Oh, Jae-Man) ; 황재훈(Hwang, Jea-Hoon)
Page pp.139-150
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 사회적 경제; 공동체 활성화; 마을관리; 사회적 협동조합; 도시재생 Social Economy; Community Revitalization; Village Management; Social Cooperatives; Urban Regeneration
Abstract This research selected 13 regions where village management social cooperativeswere established in the neighborhood-oriented urban regeneration projects across thecountry to study the difference in the factors of community revitalization in urbanregeneration projects. And the importance and experience of community revitalizationfactors were surveyed. First, AHP analysis result, in stagewise importancecomparison, those in charge are focused on smooth projects promotion, and thecooperative executives recognized the problems in each stage and the factors tosolve them. Second, a result of IPA analysis of cooperative executives shows thatthe planning stage puts more effort into maintaining the resident participation raterather than a sense of belonging, and the establishment authorization stage needs aplace for exchange for smooth social interaction and communication. In addition, inthe project implementation stage, an information sharing system among cooperativemembers should be established to increase the experience of communication ratherthan participation of residents and a sense of belonging. Finally, further research isneeded on the correlation between continuous surveys and community revitalizationfactors in various urban regeneration projects to draw better implications.