Title |
A study on the decision of the central district system using spatial imformation analysis based on the grid unit system : Focused on Daejeon |
Authors |
류경수(Ryu, Kyung-Soo) ; 임병호(Lim, Byung-Ho) ; 지남석(Ji, NamSeok) |
https://doi.org/10.38195/judik.2023. |
Keywords |
격자 단위; 도시공간구조; 도시기본계획; 중심지 체계; 중심지 지표 Grid Unit; Urban Spatial Structure; Basic Urban Plan; Central Place; Central Indicator |
Abstract |
The study proposes a differentiated method in designating central urban districts,trying to propose a new central urban district system in Daejeon. In order topropose a new central urban district system for Daejeon City, the study analyzesfour indicatorss of the official and price, the district associaated with non-residentialbuildings, the number of businesses, and the amount of card use. The analysisresult based on grid cell units is as follow. First, 28 urban centers of Daejeon fromthe first tier to the fourth tier are select. There are five districts including Dunsanand Old town in the 1st tier district, the 2nd tier is Yongjeon district, the 3rd tierconsists of 6 districts including Gao-Dong. The 4th tier includes 16 districtsincluding Yucheon-Dong. Second, comparing with the central districts presented inthe 2020 Daejeon City Master Plan, a relatively large number of high-order central(city center) districts were found. In addition, 14 new centers that are not beenincluded in the urban master plan are found. In future research, it is expected thatthis study can provide basic data to establish the urban center system or urbanspatial structure. |