Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title The Current Issues And Spatial Strategies Concerning The People And Places In Areas Experiencing Population Decline
Authors 류수연(Ryu, Suyeon) ; 박성남(Park, Sungnam) ; 최가윤(Choi, Gayoon)
Page pp.75-92
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 인구감소지역; 지방소멸대응기금; 사람 및 장소 현안; 공간전략 Depopulated Area; Local Extinction Response Fund; Current Issues Concerning The People And Places; Spatial Strategy
Abstract The designated 89 population decline areas are exploring opportunities to overcome the local extinction crisis through the Local Extinction Response Fund. This study aims to identify the current issues of population decline areas and propose spatial strategies based on insights gathered from a panel of 15 experts. After collecting and analyzing expert opinions, six main issues and 17 sub-factors related to the people's aspect of population decline areas were identified. In particular, these include a decrease in the economically active population, low birth rates and an aging society, and exclusive local communities. Regarding the place aspect of population decline areas, six main issues and 22 sub-factors were identified, including physical environment deterioration and the degradation of living infrastructure and services. Additionally, this study derived eight categories of place-based spatial strategies, which include creating and restructuring hubs, establishing economic activity bases, expanding the population for settlement and livelihood, improving infrastructure and services, providing specialized housing and environmental enhancements, promoting region-specific projects, strengthening spatial placeness, and promoting coordinated policies. The results of this study indicate that population decline areas need to address various issues from both the people and place perspectives through differentiated strategies that can be applied in conjunction with each other.