Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Comprehensive Plan Assessment of Korean Shrinking Cities Toward Smart Decline
Authors 이숙진(Lee, Sukjin) ; 임영빈(Im, Youngbin) ; 안지현(Ahn, Jihyun) ; 박윤미(Park, Yunmi)
Page pp.183-202
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 스마트 디클라인; 축소도시; 인구감소도시; 도시기본계획; 계획평가 Smart Decline; Shrinking Cities; Depopulating Cities; Comprehensive Plan; Plan Quality Evaluation
Abstract This study examined how depopulating municipalities in South Korea have incorporated smart decline strategies into their comprehensive plans. The evaluation of a decline strategy score (DSS) was developed with 39 assessment criteria derived from previous literature. The DSSs of 55 depopulating cities were compared based on depopulation trend, population size, plan target and base year, and plan categories. The city of Busan obtained the highest score of 64.1 out of 100, while the average DSS for other cities was 29.5. There was no significant difference observed between the groups in terms of depopulation patterns (continuous vs. latent decline). However, cities with larger populations and more recent plan targets and base years tended to have higher scores. The study also found that certain smart decline strategies, such as reducing public services, adjusting land use/zoning, relocating residents, establishing land banking, and managing vacant housing, were rarely observed in the examined municipalities. These observations could provide valuable insights for national-level recommendations regarding essential planning tools that can effectively adapt to depopulation. Moreover, other countries facing urban shrinkage could benefit from tailoring the process of DSS development to their specific regional characteristics and priorities.